
Di Luca Milano

Dilfam srl unipersonale

Corporation Stock: 102.000 €

registered in the Register of Companies of Milan with No. 03635300969

Registered Office: Via Monte Bianco 2/A, 20149 Milan

P. IVA: 03635300969

Di Luca Milano shop

Dilfam Srl is the owner of the historic brand Di Luca Milano, artisans of beauty since 1968.
The company stems from the intuition of Alfio Di Luca who, over fifty years of working in the industry, has developed and created his line of haircare and cosmetic product based on his experiences, in the stately Via Boccaccio hall in downtown Milan. In collaboration with expert cosmetologists, experts and certified manufacturing companies, he transformed these experiences into an upscale cosmetics line. His knowledge went beyond the walls of the hall to become a common experience, which can be seen in the line of products dedicated to an attentive and demanding audience.

Since 2002 Dilfam srl has been dedicated to making Alfio Di Luca's valuable experience accessible to everyone, combining professionalism and quality into one single solution: an effective cosmetic line dedicated to the whole body, from hair care to skin and body care.
On the cosmetic scene, the Di Luca Milano line stands for a philosophy that does not provide for compromises: effective, naturally-derived products. Products that make a difference. This choice results in particular attention being paid to the selection of raw materials, which must always be of the best quality, in the content of active ingredients that each product must contain, in the choice of using lower levels of preservatives, and finally, in choosing to produce limited batches for each reference, in order to offer the public a fresh product. Another distinctive feature is the made in Italy stamp, because all the raw materials, even if imported from all over the world, as is the case with the Moroccan argan and the Atlantic algae, the entire working and production processes are carried out entirely in Italy.

In 2007 born Di Luca Store, the online shop dedicated to all the Di Luca Milano products. Also 2008 marks an important date in the history of the company, thanks to the opening in Via Marghera, one of the most lively and chicest areas of the city, of the first store selling cosmetics products and accessories of the exclusive Di Luca line.