
Terms and Condition

DILFAM srl unipersonale, corporation stock 102.000 euro, Registered Office Via Monte Bianco 2/A, 20149 Milano, VAT number: 03635300969; registered in the Register of Companies of Milan with No. 03635300969

Company Details:
• The present Conditions of Sale for the Company DILFAM srl. apply to the any order, sale and delivery of products that the Company markets through the website, offers, advertising and estimates by means of electronic commerce, remote or verbal sale.
• The general conditions shall apply exclusively to consumers, as defined by the current legislation and in particular by the Legislative Decree September 6, 2005. Number 6, entitled "Consumer Code". Purchases made by the customer to the Company DILFAM srl are functional to the business and personal needs of the client.
• All orders assume the full acceptance without reserve of the present general conditions of sale. The general conditions of purchase of the customer are irrelevant to the interpretation and to finality and application of the present Agreement.

Purchase Conditions

Quotes, Orders:
Only estimates submitted in writing and during the period indicated in the quote itself are considered valid according to the law. If the duration of the quote is not mentioned, the validity is intended as fixed 30 days from the issue date. After this time the quote is ineffective, except in case of acceptance of DILFAM srl. Orders can be made and are validly received by DILFAM srl at the address specifically indicated by the same, through the Internet, by phone, by mail, by fax, or through letterhead with the stamp of the client, or by email. The contract shall be considered concluded only after formal acceptance of the order by DILFAM srl. DILFAM srl reserves the right to confirm the order by any useful means with a specific notice to the customer. The customer must check the order confirmation and report any error, omission or discrepancy with the order itself. Otherwise, the object of the contract of sale will be determined based on the order confirmation sent by DILFAM srl. Orders placed by the customer himself or by an attorney or other person authorized to act on its behalf produce legal effects for the customer.

The prices of products and service offerings, VAT, shipping and connected costs and any additional charges are indicated in the invoice issued by DILFAM srl. Except in the case of contractual conditions conventionally established as a result of specific agreements resulting in a written form, offers and recommended prices correspond to the costs available at the time of printing of the catalog and website updates. Orders are accepted, subject to the right of DILFAM srl not fulfilling it in the event of a price increase imposed by our suppliers and by circumstances beyond our control which make it impossible or not cost effective the delivery, as required by current legislation.

Conditions of Payment:
Payment for the products is carried out by the means described in the methods of payment, net and without discount. Failure to complete the payment of the order within the time required by the seller will result, without prior notice and notice of default of the debtor, the assignment in favor of DILFAM srl of the right not to deliver the goods, subject to the exercise of the actions related to the protection of credit.

Delivery times:
Delivery times are determined with good faith, except in the case of problems due to unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure, and are intended as a guide. Unless a written stipulation to the contrary, a delay in delivery, cannot, under any circumstances, justify the right of withdrawal or compensation. In the event that the goods ordered are not available in stock, delivery will be based on the actual supply capacity of the supplier. In this case DILFAM srl will inform the customer of an expected date of delivery.

Transfer of ownership of goods and fees charged to the customer upon delivery:
Upon delivery of the goods, the customer is required to check the match of the number of parcels with those in the order, as well as the physical integrity of the packages delivered. Any damage or fault must be promptly communicated to the courier and mentioned in the waybill before you sign it. The content of the packages must be promptly checked and any defects relating to physical integrity, match or completeness of the received products must be reported to the courier within 48 hours, by registered mail with the signed for option. The transfer of ownership of the product is intended to be made in favor of the customer at the time of full payment of the invoice price. In the case of failure to complete payment within the time specified, DILFAM srl shall have the right to require the immediate return of the products delivered.

If the products do not conform to the quality or quantity for the description on the order confirmation, the customer is obliged to send to DILFAM srl a specific complaint in writing within 7 days of delivery. No product will be accepted unless prior arrangement with our customer service and provided that the goods are returned undamaged and still in their original packaging, shipped by registered mail with signed for option and with a copy of the invoice. The return number, provided by our customer service operators, valid for 15 days, shall be mentioned in the returned package. The costs and risks associated with transport are the sole responsibility of the customer. The validity of credit notes is 1 year from the date of issue. We will not accept returns of products that have characteristics that do not correspond to those indicated in the orders and that are not fit for use.

DILFAM srl does not directly provide any guarantees for products that are guaranteed by the manufacturer. The only guarantee that DILFAM srl is obliged to is the one provided by the current regulations to the seller. The standard warranty given by the manufacturer is not in any way enforceable against DILFAM srl. Without prejudice to the suitability of the product sold to perform the functions described in promotional material and in the technical annexes that accompany it, in any case DILFAM srl guarantees its products to be tailored to the specific needs of the user. The customer acknowledges that DILFAM srl, knowing the technical features of the products, has, under its own responsibility and according to their needs, made the choice of products covered by the order. For these reasons DILFAM srl does not guarantee in any way the pertinence or suitability of the products covered by the order to the actual meeting the needs and expectations of the customer. In the event that a liability has been determined and demonstrate the exclusive, personal and direct responsibility by DILFAM srl, this will be limited to the mere compensation for direct damages caused by willful or negligent conduct in accordance with Article. 2043 of the Italian Civil Code, to the exclusion of any refund for direct damages, eventual damages and non-pecuniary damages, in accordance with the limits set by the law. The financial liability in all cases will be limited to a refund of the price paid by the customer for the purchase of the item in question. In cases where the guarantee is borne by DILFAM srl, this company at own discretion may provide for the replacement, repair or refund with an equivalent product. This warranty does not apply to the following cases:
• normal wear of products
• damage or accidents due to poor maintenance, and in particular breakage, moisture, not appropriate temperature, oxidation, infiltration of liquids.
For products not covered by the warranty, if the client requests we will determine a quote for the repair.


Privacy Policy:
DILFAM srl use the personal data provided by the customer during the order in accordance with the stated purpose in the policy pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, with the customer having, in accordance to the article 7 of that legislation, a specific right to access, update or change their personal data, in particular the right to object to their use for the purpose of commercial communications. This right can be exercised writing to DILFAM srl. Such information may be disclosed to third parties for the performance of instrumental activities during the execution of the contract. In addition, with the express consent of the customer, DILFAM srl may disclose such information to third parties in transactions of a purely commercial nature.

Use of Cookies This site uses "cookies". Cookies are pieces of information which could be stored by the user's browser on the hard disk and which allow identifying some characteristics of the surfer. Most of the browsers in use accept cookies automatically but the user can configure his/her browser differently. In this last case, the user may not have access to the contents of the site.

Right of Withdrawal

Money back garanteed:
All DILFAM srl products are covered by warranty for any defect or flaw inherent to the product, to be reported by email within 10 days of delivery. It is the responsibility of the seller to replace the product at its own expense or refund your purchase, including shipping costs.

Withdrawal and returns:
All customers have the right of withdrawal for 10 days, exercisable without penalty, according to article 5 of Legislative Decree 22 May 1999, n. 185. This allows you to return the product, upon notice within 10 days of receipt of the same, by email to info@dilucastore.com, letter or fax to the addresses indicated, obtain the replacement with another product or refund of the paid amount. The only expenses charged to the customer will be those of shipment. The right of withdrawal applies only to goods at the time of return and cannot be exercised for products that by their nature cannot be returned or are liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly.

Jurisdiction and legal venue:
All the disputes relating to the interpretation, application or termination of the contract shall be governed by the Italian law. In case of a dispute, the competent court conventionally chosen by the parties is the Court of Milan. In any case DILFAM srl has the right to act in any other jurisdiction, in particular that of its registered office and operational office or that of the place of delivery of the goods.